Student Security will provide general security to campus. Candidate will need to interact with all staff, students and college leadership to ensure a safe work environment throughout the campus.
Lock and unlock doors based on schedules.
Patrol hallways and parking lots on campus to identify and assist with potential issues.
Check areas for unauthorized persons and follow up on suspicious activities, elevate issues to Evening Administrator as necessary.
Provide Basic Life Support when required.
Assist with disabled vehicles and lockouts.
Check for maintenance issues with buildings and the general campus. Elevate necessary issues to maintenance team as necessary.
Elevate issues as appropriate to a supervisor.
Assist with campus preparedness drills at the direction of your supervisor.
Assist campus visitors/students/staff as necessary
Candidates must be a currently enrolled student of Blackhawk Technical College.
Students enrolled within the Associate Degree program of Corrections, Criminal Justice, Fire Science or EMT are desired.
Blackhawk Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, disability, or age in employment, admissions or its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to manage inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Officer, 6004 S County Road G, P.O. Box 5009, Janesville, WI 53547-5009, (608) 757-7796 or (608) 757-7773, WI Relay: 711.